Friday, February 22, 2013

Chapter 12- Last Light

Chapter 12
Last Light

     "Where's Ryan?" I ask Gloriana. "Um, uh..." Gloriana stumbles. I have never heard Gloriana stumble before. "Where is she?" I say softly. "I don't know." she chokes out and starts crying. I have never seen her cry before. "Gloriana, it's OK. Why does this make you so upset?" "It's just," she stumbles. "I feel like I'm letting my people down. 3 people have disappeared from Light Chesna or, or..." she stumbles again. "been captured or taken somewhere in the Halo with Hell's spies and being tortured because Hell wants his spies to get information and secrets about Light Chesna and bring them to him." Gloriana straightens up and I look her in the eye and say, "You are not letting your people down. You are the best Queen. Don't ever forget that. So, do you think that is what is happened or is happening to Ryan?" "Yes."
       "I have to go looking for her!" I scream and sit up. "She is my best friend!" "You can't Jane. And please Jane lie back down! You need to rest! I don't want you to hurt yourself more. Please Jane! Your hurt and still recovering! Lie down!" I lay back down. "It doesn't hurt to sit up." I protest. "That's because your on pain killers." Gloriana replies. "When will I be up and running again?" I ask after a short silence. Gloriana looks at me blankly and then she turns to the doctor who just walked in. "Doctor, when will Jane be up and running again? And when will she be able to do her normal stuff, like aerials and back flips? You know we need her to have a fast recovery and get going in the spy department, as well as Malcom. They need to be my top pair of spireries..." "Wait!" I interrupt. "What are spireries?" "A spiery is a pair of spies that work together in the top spy department." She then turned back to the doctor. "Doctor, what is your answer? Oh and doctor, did you not recover her whole memory?" "Um.. I think she will be up in running in about three and a half weeks. And  my answer to your second question is, um, well, that is why I came in here. To tell you that we did not recover 2 things. The first one is facts about the top spy department." He then lowered his voice to a whisper. "The second is she doesn't remember her brother and sister." I stood starstruck for a moment and then started shouting. "Wait! I have a brother and sister? That can't be true. I don't have siblings." There were glances exchanged and then Gloriana sighed. "Why can't you get these memories back? There two very big ones." "Gloriana," Doctor sighed. "We talked about this before we even started the first surgery. Memories, facts or people she haven't thought of for a long time or haven't been really part of yet, like the Top Spy Depart, are really hard memories to bring back. Only a 2 days ago did the doctor scientist come up with a sketch cure. We haven't even tested this cure. If something were to go wrong, her condition could get even worse..." "But I need her up and running in a week! Working in the Top Spy Depart. Now, Doctor, I need you to get her better in the next 2 weeks, preferably 1 week, but that's pushing it. You will do what ever you can to get her better. And have the doctor scientist ever been wrong in the last 14 cures they have come up with?" Doctor shakes his head no. "I didn't think so..."
      I have never heard Gloriana so, so... sassy. I thought. My thoughts broke away when Doctor started calling my name. "Yes?" I said. "We are going to test this cure on you, OK?" he says. "But what if it goes wrong?" "I'm taking my chances. We need to do what ever we can to get you better, quicker. We are also going to do another procedure. This one has been tested multiple times. This procedure with help your body not get blotchy and red once your off the pain killers. It will also help your bruises get better faster and just in general, it will help your body recover faster." I then realized that I had missed a whole conversation between Doctor and Gloriana as I saw Doctor exchange a worried glance with Gloriana as she exchanged a 'do it' glance with him. Gloriana then looked at me, came over to me and stroked my head, just like the way my mother did when I was little. "You will be up in no time, sweetie." She then forced out a weak smile and then I realized something. She was worried too, I saw it in her eyes. She was also scared that this surgery might not turn out well. Was I supposed to be worried?
       I turned to Doctor. "Doctor, your putting me to sleep, right?" "Of course!" he shouted. "We always do." His voice was calm and soothing. I then heard Gloriana walk out the room as Doctor wheeled me into the Snow Surgery room. Did I have my own surgery room? Then thoughts rushed into my head. What if this surgery doesn't work out? What if it goes totally wrong? What would happen to me? I then felt a needle in my arm and knew I would fall asleep in seconds. Then one last question swirled in my head as I started to fall asleep.
If the surgery goes wrong, will I ever wake up again?

       I tipped my chin up to look at the lights, to just catch one glimpse of lights, lights I might never see again as I was pulled into a deep, deep sleep. A deep, deep sleep of which I may never awaken.

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