Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chapter 4- The Colden

Chapter 4
The Colden

    I woke up the next day with the Colden shining through Ryan's bedroom window. You might think that Chesna would have millions of lights instead of a sun, but you're wrong. Chesna has it's own sun, except it looks nothing like our sun and it is not called the sun. It is called the Colden. When Chesna first started, when people first lived here, people didn't understand the sun. People asked, "How could there be a sun underground?" Well later on in Chesna history people figured out the Chesna sun gets its power from the sun above earth, but that's not all. The Chesna sun first started from a asteroid hitting the earth and a fire that was lit on very cold day in Chesna. Where the asteroid hit the earth, that was right over where the Apire is now. It caused a big earthquake, but it was short one. When the cold from the asteroid combined with the heat from the fire in Chesna it made a shining sphere. The Chesnasian people named the shining sphere, Colden. The Colden, isn't hot though, it is cold. That is why it snows so much in Light Chesna. The other different thing about the Colden is it shines night and day. The Colden's light reaches all over Light Chesna, but not Dark Chesna. Dark Chesna has no light and is very hot. That is where Hell lives, the Dark King. He is terrible. Dark Chesna consists of a city and a castle. Dark Chesna and Light Chesna are separated by a huge forest. The forest from one end to the other is exactly 157 miles. Luckily, Light Chesna has a secret way to get to Dark Chesna. 
     Dark Chesna as I said is surrounded by a forest. The city in Dark Chesna is called Weaponry. It isn't really a city though. It is where people are sent by Hell when he or his army capture them. That is also where weapons are made for Hell. Then the Castle where Hell lives is painted black. Underneath the castle is a dungeon where Hell and Gloriana's dad is. Hell captured his dad when he was furious with Gloriana. He thought it would make Gloriana sad and miserable, but he was wrong. It gave Gloriana something to fight for. 
    Now, Light Chesna is literally 6 times bigger than Dark Chesna. It has 4 cities and the Apire. The cities in Light Chesna are happy and light. The four names of the cities are Olip, Crescent, Hallea, and Glory. The Apire is a Chesnasian word. It is one of the only Chesnasian words they use in Chesna because the people of Chesna became accustomed to English. It means The Big Ruler. The Apire has two buildings, both of which are huge. The Palace where Gloriana lives is one of the buildings. The other building is the Halo. This cube shaped building has a hospital, athletic arenas, a mall, training centers for spies and army people in training, a hotel for the people who work in the palace or Halo, and a hotel for people on any of the Light Chesna soccer teams. Oh and a hotel for Light Chesna's spies and officers in the army. As I said, Light Chesna is much bigger than Dark Chesna. 
   This knowledge went through my head. After a minute or so, I looked at my clock. It was 1:00 in the morning. When I decided to go back to sleep, I had no problem as I was still tired out from training. As soon as I put my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes I fell into a deep sleep. 

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